How to Make a Great First Impression

The emphasis placed on making a good first impression may seem cliche at this point, but it’s reiterated for a reason. People make snap judgements within the first few seconds of meeting someone new, and these judgements have a tendency to influence future interactions. When you add the idea of business and making first impressions within a potential career setting, it becomes even more important.

With the current financial climate, an impending recession and the level of competition, first impressions have never been more influential. With this in mind, how can you make a great first impression?

Digital Detox

In the past, the majority of first impressions would be made in-person or over the phone, however, times have changed. The first interactions we have now are much more likely to be digital, and this should be factored into your approach. For example, email correspondence should always be polite, warm and professional.

Social media is another big topic when it comes to first impressions. There is so much personal information on the internet, and whether we like it or not, we are judged on this. If you don’t want private pictures or posts in the public sphere, make your profile private or better yet, create a work profile on a network such as Linked In.

Of course, if you are a business or organisation approaching a potential client, then digital is even more important. Well run, engaging websites and social media can make a fantastic first impression. Remember, a potential client will see your public digital persona, long before they ever meet you, and it could be the deciding factor in whether they take the next step.


It may seem obvious to talk about preparation before meeting a prospective employer or client, but it’s often overlooked. Preparation doesn’t just apply to you, your credentials, evidence and history, it also applies to the person and organisation that you are meeting. Research can be a vital tool when preparing for a first meeting. Research the company or organisation or even the individual that you are meeting with. Check out their social media profiles and look for any shared interests that you both may have.

Preparing this information before the meeting will allow you to field any unexpected questions, and it allows you to create some relevant talking points. Knowing some basic history and appearing engaged will go a long way to creating a fantastic first impression.

Showcase Your Best

Meeting with a potential employer or client for the first time provides an opportunity to showcase yourself at your best. This means arriving early to ensure that you will be on time for your meeting as punctuality is often a deal-breaker in these situations.

Showcasing your best also means dressing and presenting yourself appropriately. In some business settings, this means formal wear, but this isn’t a hard and fast rule. There are many informal meetings and interviews, and you should dress accordingly in those cases. For example, the creative industries tend to have a different approach when it comes to attire. When in doubt, air on the side of caution- this isn’t the time to be making a bold statement.


Businesses who are hosting a client within their offices need to think about the first impressions these clients will have, before even meeting you. This means when contacting you on the phone and when waiting at reception, all of these are opportunities to impress.

Automated phone systems may be efficient and help to cut costs, but they can also be incredibly off-putting for prospective clients. Ensuring a warm and helpful person is on the other end of the phone is a fantastic start when interacting with a new associate.

The reception area is often a secondary consideration, but it can say so much about the business and is often the first impression that the business makes. Obviously, ensuring that the area is clean, tidy and welcoming is important, but you can also use this space to showcase the company’s values or what makes you different.

As we have established, there are countless opportunities to make a great first impression, and by considering all of these, you are on your way to a fruitful, long-lasting relationship.