Business groups welcome Budget

Business groups welcomed the Chancellor’s Budget for protecting the economy now and kickstarting recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Tony Danker, Director General of the CBI, said: ‘The Chancellor has gone above and beyond to protect UK businesses and people’s livelihoods through the crisis and get firms’ spending. ‘Thousands of firms will be relieved to receive… Read more…

Sunak set out Budget to protect businesses

Chancellor Rishi Sunak set out a Budget to protect businesses through the pandemic, fix the public finances and begin building the future economy. The Chancellor once again pledged to do ‘whatever it takes’ during the COVID-19 pandemic and confirmed that the furlough scheme would be extended until September 2021 to support jobs through the crisis.… Read more…

Spring Budget 2021

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak presented his second Budget on Wednesday 3 March 2021. In his speech he stated his Budget ‘meets the moment with a three-part plan to protect the jobs and livelihoods of the British people’. Our summary focuses on the tax measures which may affect you, your family and your business. To help… Read more…

Ways to Stay in Control

With all of the stresses of modern life, it’s easy to feel as if you’re losing control. When you add the pressure of work, whether that be as an employer or employee, it can be even more difficult. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can take back control and feel less overwhelmed. Obviously, tackling… Read more…